
Catia, known for its highly technical legacy, but not for ease of use.

UX-FLO had six months to envision a new UX concept for Class-A surfacing, and prove its superiority over external competitors and internal incumbents — all without development resources for prototyping.

Paradoxically, Catia's major automotive customers desired a completely new experience, but without significant changes.

solution results

80/20 Rule

The 80/20 rule was key to unlocking highly efficient workflows.

Typically, software treats every feature equally, leading to information overload and repetitive execution patterns. Usability studies showed that 20% of the tools were used 80% of the time. We made the 20% most-used tools effortless to access while pushing the 80% least-used features into the UI background. Prioritizing the top 5% of tools with gesture-based UX interactions, we achieved workflow performance increases of 300% to 900%.

These improvements were validated by objectively measuring and comparing the traced workflow distances and mouse clicks between the new UX and existing systems. Mission accomplished, our contract was extended to produce more innovations over the next three years.